Commissioner Heather Edelson moved, seconded by Commissioner
Marion Greene, to approve the Resolution.
Commissioner Greene, Commissioner Fernando, Commissioner
Conley, Edelson, Goettel, Lunde and Anderson
Authorization to request a variance from MnDOT standard for State Aid Operation
related to Nicollet Avenue (CSAH 52) Reconstruction (CP 2120800), State Aid Projects
027-652-046 and 157-020-034
Commissioner Irene Fernando moved, seconded by Commissioner Angela
Conley, to approve the Resolution.
Commissioner Greene, Commissioner Fernando, Commissioner
Conley, Edelson, Goettel, Lunde and Anderson
Authorization to request a variance from MnDOT standard for State Aid Operation
related to Lowry Avenue (CSAH 153) Reconstruction (CP 2140800), State Project
027-753-021 and State Project 141-020-145
Commissioner Irene Fernando moved, seconded by Commissioner Angela
Conley, to approve the Resolution.
Commissioner Greene, Commissioner Fernando, Commissioner
Conley, Edelson, Goettel, Lunde and Anderson
Items for Discussion and Action
Neg fall 2024 ERF grant agmts with various entities for one or two-year periods, total
combined NTE $2,165,055; neg ERF grant agreement PR00006819 with Habitat for
Humanity for costs incurred 01/21/20-12/31/25, NTE $97,183
Commissioner Kevin Anderson moved, seconded by Commissioner Irene
Fernando, to approve the Resolution.
Commissioner Greene, Commissioner Fernando, Commissioner
Conley, Edelson, Goettel, Lunde and Anderson
There being no further business, the Public Works Committee for Tuesday, February 4,
2025 was declared adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Maria Rose
Clerk to the County Board