| 1 | 2.A. | Resolution | Neg Agmt PW 36-24-24 with Maple Grove for cost participation of Maple Grove Parkway north of CSAH 81, CP 2201100; (County Cost: $521,000 County Bonds, $60,000 Operating) | consent | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2.B. | Resolution | Amd 1 to PR00006257 with Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc. to include professional services for Nicollet Avenue (CSAH 52) Phase 2 in Bloomington (CP 2143101), incr NTE to $1,750,000 (county cost: $1,100,000 Transportation Advancement Account - Complete Street, $650,000 Transportation Advancement Account - Preservation) | consent | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2.C. | Resolution | Authorization to request a variance from MnDOT standard for State Aid Operation related to Nicollet Avenue (CSAH 52) Reconstruction (CP 2120800), State Aid Projects 027-652-046 and 157-020-034 | consent | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 2.D. | Resolution | Authorization to request a variance from MnDOT standard for State Aid Operation related to Lowry Avenue (CSAH 153) Reconstruction (CP 2140800), State Project 027-753-021 and State Project 141-020-145 | consent | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 2.E. | Resolution | Neg fall 2024 ERF grant agmts with various entities for one or two-year periods, total combined NTE $2,165,055; neg ERF grant agreement PR00006819 with Habitat for Humanity for costs incurred 01/21/20-12/31/25, NTE $97,183 | consent | Pass |
Action details