Meeting Name: Board of Hennepin County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/30/2024 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Government Center - County Board Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TMP-1053 13.A.Hennepin HighlightsHennepin County and University of Minnesota Extension - Introduced by Commissioner Fernando   Action details Not available
TMP-1031 14.A.MinutesApril 16, 2024 MinutesapprovePass Action details Not available
24N-0015 15.A.Correspondence1.Claim - Tanner Midas - Re: Property damage; 2. Claim - Mark Arneson - Re: Vehicle damage; 3. Renee Jaunich, Carousel Travels - Re: Property damage; 4. Summons - Matrix Asset Solutions, LLC - Re: Title to Real Propertycorrespondence referred as recommendedPass Action details Not available
24N-0016 15.B.Correspondence1.Ltr - Ehlers Public Finance Advisors - Re: City of Plymouth Proposed TIF districtcorrespondence referred as recommendedPass Action details Not available
24N-0017 15.C.CorrespondenceSummary of Hennepin Health agreements and amendments to agreements approved in first quarter (Q1) of 2024 by the Hennepin Health Executive Directorcorrespondence referred as recommendedPass Action details Not available
24-0179 15.C.ResolutionClaims Register for the period ending May 3, 2024refer as recommendedPass Action details Not available
24-0180 15.D.ResolutionClaims Register for the period ending May 10, 2024refer as recommendedPass Action details Not available
24-0181 15.E.ResolutionNeg Agmts to provide lead hazard reduction and healthy homes remediation services, 05/15/24-06/30/27, neg Amds to provide lead hazard reduction and healthy homes remediation services, 01/01/23-06/30/27, total combined NTE $3,700,000refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0182 15.F.ResolutionNeg Amd 1 to Lease Agmt LS00000032 with St. Olaf’s Catholic Church of Minneapolis, Minnesota for safe space at 819 2nd Avenue South, Mplsrefer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0183 15.G.ResolutionRatification of permits, leases, lease amendments, and related property agreements approved by the County Administrator, period 01/01/24-03/31/24, total NTE $15,000refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0184 15.H.ResolutionApproval and submission of Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act Local Plan to the State of Minnesotarefer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0185 15.I.ResolutionSchematic Design approval for the Family Justice Center Relocation project and HCGC A20-A21 District Court Self Help and Administration project; Approve contract PR00006141 with Wold Architects, Inc., for architectural and engineering services, 04/30/24-02/28/26, NTE $1,844,908 and approval to award associated construction contractsrefer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0186 15.J.ResolutionSubmission of HC Consortium 2024 Action Plan; neg Agmts A2412285, A2412284, A2412283 w/HUD for the 2024 CDBG, HOME, ESG Pgrms, 07/01/24-06/30/29, est recv $5,085,642; neg 16 CDBG agmts, 07/01/24-06/30/29, est NTE $2,302,172; neg 7 HOME agmts, 07/01/24-06/30/69, est NTE $3,659,961refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0187 15.K.ResolutionAuthorize supplemental appropriations and contingency transfers to amend the 2023 budget; Authorize interfund cash transfers to support 2023 expenses.refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0188 15.L.ResolutionHuman Services & Public Health resolution, including contracts and amendments to contracts with provider - 2407refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0189 15.M.ResolutionAgmt PR00005777 with Smart Data Solutions LLC to facilitate electronic claims submission and payment process to Hennepin Health on behalf of contracted providers, 06/11/24-06/10/30, NTE $200,000refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0190 15.N.ResolutionAmd 6 to Agmt PR00000198 with the Hennepin County Bar Association to provide legal counsel to individuals experiencing poverty in Hennepin County Mental Health Court, extension end date to 12/31/24, increase NTE by $700,000refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0191 15.O.ResolutionAgmt A2412257 between the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office and the City of Rockford for the provision of patrol services, 06/01/24-12/31/24, $9,305.92 (recv)refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0192 15.P.ResolutionAmd 2 to Agmt PR00002937 with the City of Minneapolis, ext term to 07/19/25 (no change to NTE)refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0193 15.Q.ResolutionAmd 1 to PR00004057 with Bolton & Menk, Inc. for final design engineering and professional services; request variance for Franklin Avenue (CSAH 5) reconstruction (CP 2172600) (county cost: NTE $3,200,000 state aid)refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0194 15.R.ResolutionNeg Agmt PW 29-06-23 with Mound and Three Rivers Park District for Dakota Rail Regional Trail crossing improvements on Shoreline Drive (CSAH 15); amend budget (CP 2183500); (est recv $318,000)refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0195 15.S.ResolutionNeg Agmts for TH 100 & Vernon Ave bridge replacements and CSAH 158 interchange; decrease budget (CP 2176600); (est county cost: $3,197,358 state aid, $1,000,000 bonds; est recv: $1,718,626)refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0196 15.T.ResolutionNeg Amd 1 to Agmt PW 39-40-20 with MnDOT & Amd 1 to Agmt PW 38-33-20 with Loretto for safety improvements & establishment of quiet zone at CP Rail crossing along Medina Street (CSAH 19) (CP 2201600); amend project budget to be funded with State General Obligation Bonds (no county cost)refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0197 15.U.ResolutionAuthorization to request a variance from MnDOT standard for State Aid Operations for CSAH 153 Reconstruction (Phase Two), CP 2140800 (S.P. 027-753-021)refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0198 15.V.ResolutionAmd 6 to Agmt CM00000534 with Better Futures Minnesota for routine exterior property inspections of Hennepin County tax-forfeit properties, amd to include boarding and securing services, no change to dates, incr NTE by $25,000refer to committeePass Action details Not available
24-0199 15.W.ResolutionJoint Powers Agreements with the several jurisdictions for assessment services to be performed by Hennepin County   Action details Not available
24-0200 16.A.CommendationsCommendation of Mark Chapin upon his retirement - offered by Commissioner FernandoadoptPass Action details Not available
24-0142 18.A.ResolutionClaims Register for the period ending April 19, 2024approve/ratifyPass Action details Not available
24-0143 18.B.ResolutionClaims Register for the period ending April 26, 2024approve/ratifyPass Action details Not available
24-0145 19.A.ResolutionSale of approximately $67,000,000 of tax-exempt general obligation refunding bonds, contingent upon market conditions; fixing the form and specifications thereof and providing for their execution, delivery and paymentadoptPass Action details Not available
24-0146 19.B.ResolutionIncrease the 2024 Local Affordable Housing Aid Fund budget by $10,000,000; transfer $10,000,000 to HED; supp app of $10,000,000 and 8.0 FTEs to 2024 HED budgetadoptPass Action details Not available
24-0147 19.C.ResolutionNeg Agmt with Little & Company to advance Hennepin County’s brand, DOE-05/31/25, NTE $500,000adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0148 19.D.ResolutionHuman Services & Public Health resolution, including contracts and amendments to contracts with provider - 2406adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0149 19.E.ResolutionAmd 2 to Agmt PR00005375 with HealthEdge Software, Inc., a cloud-based clinical care management system, to add clarification to the change process language, incr NTE by $100,000adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0150 19.F.ResolutionAmd 1 to JPA A2311714 with City of Mpls for HUD ESG funding for emergency shelter essential services, ext end date to 12/31/27, incr recv by $100,000adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0151 19.G.ResolutionAmd 1 to Agmt A2211246 with North Memorial Health and the City of Brooklyn Park to continue the existing alternative mental health response in Brooklyn Park, extending the end date to 11/16/22-12/31/26, incr recv by $88,431, incr NTE by $400,457adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0152 19.H.ResolutionAmd 1 Agmt A2211538 with the City of Brooklyn Park to continue services of the Hennepin County 911 and Police Embedded Social Worker Program, 03/01/23 - 12/31/25adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0153 19.I.ResolutionJoint Powers Agmt A2412190 with the City of Edina and the City of Richfield, to continue and expand services of the Hennepin County Police Embedded Social Worker Program in Edina and Richfield, 04/01/24-12/31/25adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0154 19.J.ResolutionJoint Powers Agmts A2312132 with the City of Plymouth, A2312133 with the City of St. Louis Park, and A2312134 with the City of Minnetonka, to continue services of the Hennepin County Embedded Social Worker Program, 02/01/24-12/31/25adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0155 19.K.ResolutionJoint Powers Agmts A2312127 with the City of Eden Prairie, A2312131 with the 7 Police Departments Consortium, A2312129 with the City of Hopkins, A2312130 with the City of Edina, to continue services of the Hennepin County Embedded Social Worker Program, 01/01/24-12/31/25adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0156 19.L.ResolutionAgmt PR00006097 with American Indian OIC, Inc. to develop sweat lodges at the Adult Corrections Facility (ACF), 05/01/24-12/31/24, NTE $30,000adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0157 19.M.ResolutionAgmt PR00006072 with Bolton & Menk, Inc. for preliminary design engineering and professional services for reconstruction of Marshall Street (CSAH 23) in Minneapolis (CP 2984500), 04/30/24-06/30/27, county cost NTE $1,400,000 state aidadoptPass Action details Not available
24-0158 19.N.ResolutionNeg Agmt PW 16-20-24 with Minneapolis for signal and accessibility improvements on Glenwood Avenue (CSAH 40); adjust budget (CP 2202200); est county cost: $1,000,000 federal, $1,015,000 state aid, $500,000 county bonds; (est recv $190,220)adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0159 19.O.ResolutionNeg Agmt PW 18-50-24 with Minnetrista for cost participation and maintenance responsibilities for lighting installation on County Road 26, CP 2210403, est county cost $1,500 county bondsadoptPass Action details Not available
24-0160 19.P.ResolutionNeg Agmts PW 20-20-24 with Minneapolis for multimodal improvements on Park and Portland Avenues (CSAHs 33 and 35) and PW 21-15-24 with Minnetonka for multi-use trail on Hopkins Crossroad (CSAH 73) as part of 2024 Cost Participation and Partnerships (CP 2201100), total county combined cost NTE $965,750 county bondsadoptPass Action details Not available
24-0161 19.Q.ResolutionNeg Agmt PR00006149 with ACES to sell the electricity from HERC into wholesale electricity market, 04/15/24-12/31/33, NTE $1,500,000adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0175 19.R.ResolutionNeg Amd 5 to Agmt PR00004865 with Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. Attorneys at Law for legal services, incr NTE by $50,000adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0144 111.A.Resolution2024 Watershed Board appointments - Lower Minnesota River Watershed BoardadoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0176 111.B.ResolutionDelegate authority for the Hennepin County Attorney to approve and sign outside counsel agreements and amendments for special criminal prosecution within the allocated budget of the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office; direct bi-annual reporting to the county boardadoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0177 111.C.ResolutionCounty Board oversight of Hennepin Healthcare System, Inc.; establishes meetings - offered by Commissioner FernandoadoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0201 113.A.Immediate ApprovalsAward a set-aside Contract FC00000131 to MCC Industries, Inc. DBA KMS Construction for the Ridgedale Damper Replacement project, $763,000adoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0202 113.B.Immediate ApprovalsAward Contract FC00000130 to Sheehy Construction Company for the ACF Boiler Heating Upgrade project, $1,606,300adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0203 113.C.Immediate ApprovalsAward contract to Zenith Tech, Inc. for repairing Bridge No. 27B23 on County Road 101 (CSAH 101) in Minnetonka, CP 2201000 (county cost $1,150,941 State Aid)adoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0204 113.D.Immediate ApprovalsAward contract to Concrete Idea, Inc. for accessibility improvements along various county roads (2024 ADA Program Phase 1), CP 2201000 (county cost $728,058 State Aid)adoptPass Action details Not available
24-0205 113.E.Immediate ApprovalsResolution Supporting the Affordable Connectivity Program and Continued Federal Funding - Sponsored by Commissioner Anderson and Commissioner GoetteladoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0206 113.F.ResolutionDeclaring May as American Indian Month in Hennepin County - offered by Commissioner FernandoadoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0207 113.G.Immediate ApprovalsRecognizing April 30, 2024 as Therapy Animal Day in Hennepin County - offered by Commissioner Greene and Commissioner ConleyadoptPass Action details Video Video