Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Hennepin County Commissioners Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 1/28/2025 1:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Government Center - County Board Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TMP-25-0041 14.A.MinutesJanuary 7, 2025 Minutes   Not available Not available
25N-0003 15.A.CorrespondenceProfessional and Personal Service Agmts/Amds of $100,000 or less which have been approved by Department Director, Assistant/County Administrator. Report Number: 25RAA-01   Not available Not available
25N-0004 15.B.CorrespondenceCounty Receivable contracts approved by the County Administrator during the fourth quarter of 2024. Report Number 24RAA - 4th Qtr Rec.   Not available Not available
25N-0005 15.C.CorrespondenceClaim/Summons - 1. John R. Musgjerd - RE: John R. Musgjerd Property Damage. - 2. Joesph P. Noack - RE: Joseph P. Noack v. Hennepin County.   Not available Not available
25N-0006 15.D.CorrespondenceLetters - 1. Kevin Griebenow, Regional Engineer, FERC - RE: St. Anthony Falls Hydroelectric Project. - 2. Amber R. Hedlund, Manager, Regulatory Affairs, Xcel Energy - RE: Notice of Application for Authority to Increase Electric Rates. - 3. Shawn Wink, Land Information and Tax Services, Hennepin County - RE: TIF District - St. Louis Park. - 4. Marcey Westrick, Central Region Manager, MN Board of Water and Soil Resources - RE: Notice Memo of Rice Creek Watershed District Petition for Boundary Change.   Not available Not available
25-0032 15.E.ResolutionClaims Register for the period ending January 31, 2025   Not available Not available
25-0033 15.F.ResolutionClaims Register for the period ending February 7, 2025   Not available Not available
25-0035 15.G.ResolutionAmd 2 to for Agmt PR00002275 with Parallel Technologies, Inc. for continued implementation of a countywide access control and video management system, software licenses, hardware and maintenance, extending the end date to 12/31/30, incr NTE by $3,785,103.93 for a new total NTE of $13,045,858.20   Not available Not available
25-0036 15.H.ResolutionAmd 1 to Agmt PR00004417 with Qwest Corporation for enterprise internet and telecom services, ext end date to 02/28/26, incr NTE by $1,353,500.   Not available Not available
25-0037 15.I.ResolutionAmd 3 to Agmt PR00003018 with Organizational Mental Health Solutions, PLLC, dba The Rising Workplace to provide virtual ergonomic services, ext end date to 02/29/28, incr NTE by $90,000 for new total NTE of $182,780   Not available Not available
25-0038 15.J.ResolutionAgmt A2512745 with HUD to accept Healthy Homes Production Grant funding 03/01/25-12/31/28, (recv $2,000,000)   Not available Not available
25-0039 15.K.ResolutionRatification of permits, leases, lease amendments, and related property agreements approved by the County Administrator, 10/01/24-12/31/24, total NTE $15,000   Not available Not available
25-0040 15.L.ResolutionHuman Services & Public Health resolution, including contracts and amendments to contracts with provider - 2502   Not available Not available
25-0041 15.M.ResolutionAgmt A2412668 with MN DHS to provide mental health mobile crisis services, 01/01/25-12/31/26, (recv $2,985,666)   Not available Not available
25-0042 15.N.ResolutionAgmt A2512742 with MN DHS accepting a 2025-2026 Mental Health Innovations grant for community-based outpatient mental health services for adults, 01/01/25-12/31/26, (recv $800,785)   Not available Not available
25-0043 15.O.ResolutionJPA A2412635 with the City of Champlin authorizing services of the Hennepin County Embedded Social Worker Program, 01/01/25-12/31/25   Not available Not available
25-0044 15.P.ResolutionJPAs A2512757 with the West Hennepin Public Safety, A2412685 with the City of Osseo, and A2512750 with the City of Hopkins authorizing services of the Hennepin County 911 Embedded Social Worker Program, 01/01/25-12/31/26   Not available Not available
25-0045 15.Q.ResolutionJPA A2412650 with the Metropolitan Airports Commission authorizing services of the Hennepin County Embedded Social Worker program, 03/01/25-02/28/27   Not available Not available
25-0046 15.R.ResolutionAgmt A2412668 with the MN DHS for services related to the Adult Mental Health Initiative grant, 01/01/25-12/31/26, $25,921,676 (recv)   Not available Not available
25-0047 15.S.ResolutionAgmts PR00006795, PR00006798, PR00006799, PR00006800 and PR00006820 with the U.S. DOJ accepting $597,157 in FY 2024 JAG funding, 10/01/23-09/30/27; Agmts with the cities of Bloomington, Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Minneapolis and Richfield for funding and administration, 10/01/23-09/30/27   Not available Not available
25-0048 15.T.ResolutionNeg Agmt PW 36-24-24 with Maple Grove for cost participation of Maple Grove Parkway north of CSAH 81, CP 2201100; (County Cost: $521,000 County Bonds, $60,000 Operating)   Not available Not available
25-0049 15.U.ResolutionAmd 1 to PR00006257 with Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc. to include professional services for Nicollet Avenue (CSAH 52) Phase 2 in Bloomington (CP 2143101), incr NTE to $1,750,000 (county cost: $1,100,000 Transportation Advancement Account - Complete Street, $650,000 Transportation Advancement Account - Preservation)   Not available Not available
25-0050 15.V.ResolutionAuthorization to request a variance from MnDOT standard for State Aid Operation related to Nicollet Avenue (CSAH 52) Reconstruction (CP 2120800), State Aid Projects 027-652-046 and 157-020-034   Not available Not available
25-0051 15.W.ResolutionAuthorization to request a variance from MnDOT standard for State Aid Operation related to Lowry Avenue (CSAH 153) Reconstruction (CP 2140800), State Project 027-753-021 and State Project 141-020-145   Not available Not available
25-0052 15.X.ResolutionNeg fall 2024 ERF grant agmts with various entities for one or two-year periods, total combined NTE $2,165,055; neg ERF grant agreement PR00006819 with Habitat for Humanity for costs incurred 01/21/20-12/31/25, NTE $97,183   Not available Not available
25-0053 15.Y.ResolutionAgmt PR00006833 with Reading Partners to provide reading assistance curriculum at multiple Hennepin County Library locations, 01/02/25-07/31/25, NTE $40,000   Not available Not available
25-0054 15.Z.ResolutionAppointment of the 2025 Hennepin County Special Board of Appeal and Equalization; and authorize the rates of compensation for its members; and adopt policies and procedures   Not available Not available
25-0027 18.A.ResolutionClaims Register for the period ending January 10, 2025   Not available Not available
25-0028 18.B.ResolutionClaims Register for the period ending January 17, 2025   Not available Not available
25-0029 18.C.ResolutionClaims Register for the period ending January 24, 2025   Not available Not available
25-0015 19.A.ResolutionHuman Services & Public Health resolution, including contracts and amendments to contracts with provider - 2501   Not available Not available
25-0016 19.B.ResolutionJPA A2412676 with MN Dept of Human Services for reimbursement of licensing fees for family child care, 07/01/23-06/30/25, $50,000 (recv)   Not available Not available
25-0017 19.C.ResolutionAmd 2 to JPA A2311656 with City of Mpls for HUD ESG funding for street outreach, amending Exhibit B, 01/01/23-12/31/27, incr recv by $150,000   Not available Not available
25-0018 19.D.ResolutionAmd 2 to Agmt A2110594 with the City of Minneapolis to provide sexual assault prosecution efforts, ext end date to 09/30/25, incr recv by $173,950   Not available Not available
25-0019 19.E.ResolutionAuthorization to apply for federal discretionary grants through USDOT’s FY2025 RAISE program for projects on West Broadway Avenue, CSAH 81 (CP 1005877) and Washington Avenue, CSAH 152 (CP 2221000)   Not available Not available
25-0020 19.F.ResolutionDelegate authority to county administrator and County Highway Engineer to provide letters of support for grant applications submitted by partner agencies to certain state-funded transportation programs   Not available Not available
25-0021 19.G.ResolutionVacate and release sidewalk and landscape easements adjacent to CSAH 3 (Lake Street) for the redevelopment of the former Kmart site in Minneapolis   Not available Not available
25-0022R1 19.H.ResolutionAgmt PR00006767 with SRF Consulting Group for preliminary design engineering and public outreach for reconstruction of CSAH 15 (Gleason Road in Minnetonka, Plymouth and Wayzata) (CP 2194500), county cost NTE $643,101   Not available Not available
25-0023 19.I.ResolutionNeg Agmt PW 02-40-25 with MnDOT, city of Plymouth and Three Rivers Park District for improvements on CSAH 73, total county cost $1,060,000 ($1,000,000 Transportation Advancement Account - Active Transportation, $60,000 County Bonds)   Not available Not available
25-0024 19.J.ResolutionAmd 1 to Agmt PR00005002 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for preliminary design engineering, professional services for Lyndale Avenue (CSAH 22) reconstruction in Minneapolis (CP 2052300), incr NTE county cost by $425,000; (county cost: NTE $1,672,000 state aid, $418,000 Minneapolis)   Not available Not available
25-0025 19.K.ResolutionAgmt PR00006817 with MN Waste Wise Foundation to continue implementing the MNimize campaign, 02/01/25-01/31/28, NTE $403,000   Not available Not available
25-0026 19.L.ResolutionNeg Agmt PR00006904 with MSR Design to provide building material reuse consulting services, 02/01/25-6/30/27, NTE $140,100; and neg Agmt PR00006905 with Doors Unhinged to provide building material reuse consulting services, 02/01/25-6/30/27, NTE $145,250   Not available Not available
25-0030 19.M.ResolutionApprove Agmt PR00006978 with Cannon Design, Inc to develop the Hennepin Healthcare System Facilities Framework 01/15/25-12/31/25, NTE $1,699,915   Not available Not available
25-0055 113.A.Immediate ApprovalsAward Contract FC00000165 to Sheehy Construction Company for the ACF Men’s Generator 2 project, $1,379,300   Not available Video Video
25-0056 113.B.Immediate ApprovalsAward Contract FC00000163-R to Sheehy Construction Company for the ACF Boiler Heating Upgrades Phase 2 project, NTE $8,034,250   Not available Video Video
25-0034 113.C.ResolutionAgmt PR00006972 with S.O.S. Building Services, Inc. to provide janitorial services at 701 Building, 02/01/25-08/31/27, NTE $1,250,000   Not available Video Video
25-0057 113.D.Immediate ApprovalsLabor Agreements with AFSCME Council 5, Local 2822, 01/01/25-12/31/27   Not available Video Video
25-0058 113.E.Immediate ApprovalsLabor Agreement with International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #49, 01/01/25-12/31/27   Not available Video Video
25-0059 113.F.Immediate ApprovalsEstablish closed meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, to discuss business strategy related to Hennepin Health   Not available Video Video
25-0060 113.G.Immediate ApprovalsConfirmation of the appointment of Liz Young as Director of Intergovernmental Relations, effective January 27, 2025   Not available Video Video
25-0061 113.H.Immediate ApprovalsUse of the Hennepin County Government Center skyway level and bridges on floors 8, 14, and 20 for a Valentine’s Day Weddings event to be held on Friday, February 14, 2025   Not available Video Video
25-0062 113.I.Immediate ApprovalsRecognizing National Human Trafficking Prevention Month in Hennepin County - offered by Commissioner Fernando   Not available Video Video
25-0063 113.J.Immediate ApprovalsCelebrating and Honoring Black History Month - offered by Commissioner Angela Conley   Not available Video Video
25-0064 113.K.Immediate ApprovalsAcknowledging Heart Health Month in Hennepin County - offered by Commissioner Angela Conley   Not available Video Video