Item Description:
Agmt A2512742 with MN DHS accepting a 2025-2026 Mental Health Innovations grant for community-based outpatient mental health services for adults, 01/01/25-12/31/26, (recv $800,785)
BE IT RESOLVED, that Agreement A2512742 with the Minnesota Department of Human Services for a Mental Health Innovations grant to improve accessibility and quality of community-based outpatient mental health services, during the period January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2026, in the receivable amount of $800,785 be approved; that the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the county; and the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a supplemental appropriation of $400,392 and 3.0 FTE be added to the 2025 Human Services and Public Health budget be approved; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that sponsorship and acceptance of grant funding for this program by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners does not imply a continued funding commitment by Hennepin County for this program if grant funds become no longer available.
Agreement A2512742 provides the County with $800,785 in funding from the 2025-2026 Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) grant. This is the County's fourth biennial DHS Mental Health Innovations grant awarded through a competitive process. Grant funds will support three innovative engagement and diversion strategies to increase utilization of community mental health services and reduce placement at Anoka-Metro Regional Treatment Center.
In the past, the grant has been used to support expanded operations of the Behavioral Health Center at 1800 Chicago and support individuals experiencing the highest levels of marginalization ranging from mental health resources to housing supports. The goals of the grant over the next two years include expanding access to through the Behavioral Health Center and continued outreach and en...
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