Item Description:
Award a set-aside Contract FC00000171 to Generation One Contracting LLC dba Morris Construction for the HCGC Street Level - New Digital Experience Department (DX) User Experience (UX) Lab project, $757,829
BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to set-aside authority authorized under Minn. Stat. ? 471.345, Contract FC00000171 with Generation One Contracting LLC dba Morris Construction for the HCGC Street Level - New Digital Experience Department (DX) User Experience (UX) Lab project (Sub-Project 1010981, Capital Project 1006402), in the amount of $757,829 be approved; that the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the county after the performance and payment bonds have been properly executed; and that the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed.
This project will remodel 2900 square feet of space at the southwest, street-level side of the Hennepin County Government Center for the Digital Experience Department (DX). The Digital Experience Department develops digital experiences for the county and this multi-use space will support that work with observation and testing rooms, Microsoft Teams equipped meeting rooms, and staff workspaces.
The county worked with an Emerging Small Business Enterprise (ESBE), Nobuko Inc dba HA+D, for architectural services on this project.
Using the set-aside authority enables the county to have a portion of the construction work delivered by an Emerging Small Businesses Enterprise (ESBE) general contractor from the Department of Community Corrections and Rehabilitation's (DOCCR) Community Productive Day Construction Partnership Program. General contractors are qualified for this program based on their demonstrated success employing and training ex-offenders. The selected general contractor will be required to employ and provide on-the-job training to probationers during the performance of their contract for not less tha...
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