Item Description:
Award contract to Concrete Idea, Inc. for accessibility improvements along various county roads (2024 ADA Program Phase 1), CP 2201000 (county cost $728,058 State Aid)
BE IT RESOLVED, that a contract be awarded to Concrete Idea, Inc. for $728,058 to construct accessible pedestrian ramps and signal improvements at various locations within the county (2024 ADA Program Phase 1), county project (CP) 2201000; that the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the county; and that the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed.
The county is upgrading pedestrian ramps and installing accessible pedestrian signals at various locations across the county in conjunction with pavement preservation work. The project, scheduled for construction this year, will upgrade pedestrian ramps at 12 intersections along the following county roads:
• County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 3 (Excelsior Boulevard) at Fifth Avenue in Hopkins
• CSAH 61 (Hemlock Lane) between 62nd Place and 73rd Avenue in Maple Grove
The project will also include accessible pedestrian signals at the following signalized intersections:
• Excelsior Boulevard at Fifth Avenue
• Hemlock Lane at 62nd Place
On April 9, 2024, five bids were received for the project with the lowest responsive bid submitted by Concrete Idea, Inc. Project funding is available in CP 2201000 Safety and Asset Management 2024-2028, with expenses tracked in its associated subproject CP 2201001: 2024 ADA Program Phase 1.
Current Request:
This request is to award a contract to Concrete Idea, Inc. in the amount of $728,058 for 2024 ADA Program Phase 1, CP 2201000.
This action supports the county’s Mobility 2040 goals, climate action, and disparity reduction efforts by improving accessibility for all people.
Recommendation from County Administrator: Recommend Approval