Item Description:
Amd 1 to Agmt PR00005002 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for preliminary design engineering, professional services for Lyndale Avenue (CSAH 22) reconstruction in Minneapolis (CP 2052300), incr NTE county cost by $425,000; (county cost: NTE $1,672,000 state aid, $418,000 Minneapolis)
BE IT RESOLVED, that the county administrator be authorized to execute Amendment 1 to Agreement PR00005002 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to provide preliminary design engineering and professional services for the reconstruction of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 22 (Lyndale Avenue) from 31st Street to CSAH 5 (Franklin Avenue) in Minneapolis, county project (CP) 2052300, increasing the contract amount by $425,000 to a new not to exceed total of $2,090,000, with no change to the contract period; that upon review and approval by the County Attorney's office, the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign Amendment 1 on behalf of the county; and that the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed.
This segment of Lyndale Avenue has reached the end of its service life and needs to be reconstructed. The county, in partnership with the City of Minneapolis, is leading the reconstruction project, CP 2052300. The proposed improvements include:
* New pavement, drainage, curb and gutter,
* Accessibility, safety and traffic signal upgrades, and
* Complete and green streets elements.
As the project develops, the team will continue its community engagement to develop a preferred design that meets the project goals and serves the needs of the community.
In 2023 the county entered into Agreement PR00005002 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for preliminary design engineering and professional services for this project at a county cost not to exceed $1,665,000 (Resolution 23-0074). Kimley-Horn was selected for this project through the county's enterprise contracting process, and it is committed to me...
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