Item Description:
Amd 1 to PR00006257 with Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc. to include professional services for Nicollet Avenue (CSAH 52) Phase 2 in Bloomington (CP 2143101), incr NTE to $1,750,000 (county cost: $1,100,000 Transportation Advancement Account - Complete Street, $650,000 Transportation Advancement Account - Preservation)
BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Administrator be authorized to execute Amendment 1 to Agreement PR00006257 with Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc. to include preliminary design engineering and professional services for County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 52 (Nicollet Avenue) reconstruction Phase 2 from East 89th Street to CSAH 1 (98th Street) in Bloomington, county project (CP) 2143101, and to increase the contract amount by $650,000 for a new amount not to exceed $1,750,000, with no change to the contract period; that upon review and approval by the County Attorney's office, the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the amendment on behalf of the county; and that the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed.
The county, in collaboration with the City of Bloomington, plans to reconstruct Nicollet Avenue. Phase 1 of the project (CP 2143102) includes the segment from 89th Street to American Boulevard and Phase 2 (CP 2143101) extends from 98th Street to 89th Street. The roadway reconstruction will incorporate a Complete and Green Streets design with upgraded storm water structures, enhanced multi-modal facilities and Americans with Disabilities Act upgrades.
In 2024, the county entered into Agreement PR00006257 with Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc. to provide preliminary design for Nicollet Avenue reconstruction (Phase 1) at a county cost not to exceed $1,100,000 (Resolution 24-0220). Additional services are needed to increase the scope to include Nicollet Avenue reconstruction Phase 2. Funding is available in CP 2143101 - Reconstruct Nicollet Avenue Phase 2.
The county will ...
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