Item Description:
Agmt PR00006817 with MN Waste Wise Foundation to continue implementing the MNimize campaign, 02/01/25-01/31/28, NTE $403,000
BE IT RESOLVED, that the county administrator be authorized to negotiate Agreement PR00006817 with Minnesota Waste Wise Foundation during the period February 1, 2025 through January 31, 2028 in an amount not to exceed $403,000; that following review and approval by the County Attorney's Office, the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the county; and that the Controller be authorized to disperse funds as directed.
Reducing single-use plastics and plastic packaging is one of the highest impact zero-waste actions identified in the county's 2024-2029 Solid Waste Management Plan.
Plastics are unavoidable in our modern lives, and the use of plastics is projected to triple by 2050 from 2013 levels. Plastics will account for 20% of global oil use and 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. About half of the plastics produced each year are intended for single use, and about a quarter of all plastics produced are for packaging. Plastics contribute to litter and climate pollution, harm water and wildlife, and have largely unknown human health impacts. During engagement for the Zero Waste Plan, residents reported great frustration with the amount of plastics they were dealing with, inability to avoid them and confusion over how to recycle them. Businesses said they struggle to avoid plastics due to application needs, convenience and low cost.
In 2022, the county hired MN Waste Wise through a competitive selection process to develop and implement a campaign targeting the reduction of single-use plastics at restaurants and foodservice businesses in Hennepin County (Resolution 22-0035). The campaign, MNimize, has reduced an estimated 401,000 single-use plastic items, the equivalent of 51,000 pounds of plastic waste, and saved businesses an estimated $3...
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