Item Description:
Amd 2 to Agmt PR00003722 with Tangletown Gardens, LLC for planting and maintenance of exterior planters, ext end date to 12/31/25, incr NTE by $50,000
BE IT RESOLVED, that Amendment 2 to Agreement PR00003722 with Tangletown Gardens, LLC for planting and maintenance of exterior planters, extending the end date to December 31, 2025 and increasing the not to exceed amount by $50,000 for a new not to exceed amount of $149,000 be approved; that the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the amendment on behalf of the County; and that the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed.
Since 2015, Tangletown Gardens has provided labor, materials and supplies to artistically design and maintain all exterior planters at the Hennepin County Government Center (HCGC), the 625 Building and Target Field Station. The planters are designed to match those of adjacent planters maintained by the Downtown Improvement District (DID).
This amendment brings the agreement to an amount that exceeds the limit authorized to be signed by the County Administrator and therefore requires Board approval.
The current request extends the agreement to the end of 2025 and increases the not to exceed amount of the agreement by $50,000 for a new total not to exceed amount of $149,000.
Recommendation from County Administrator: Recommend Approval