Item Description:
Authorize supplemental appropriations and contingency transfers to amend the 2023 budget; Authorize interfund cash transfers to support 2023 expenses.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the 2023 budget be amended by the supplemental appropriations and authorize contingency transfers identified in Schedule 1, as on file with the Clerk of the Board; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that 2023 interfund cash transfers be approved, as identified in Schedule 1, and as on file with the Clerk of the Board, and that the Controller be authorized to transfer funds as directed.
The Office of Budget and Finance has reviewed the status of 2023 departmental expenditures relative to approved appropriations. Schedule 1 shows the detail of departments that exceeded their authorized expenditure level and require budget adjustments. Schedule 1 also includes recommended interfund cash transfers to support internal service fund activities.
Recommendation from County Administrator: No Recommendation