Item Description:
Award contract to Zenith Tech, Inc. for repairing Bridge No. 27B23 on County Road 101 (CSAH 101) in Minnetonka, CP 2201000 (county cost $1,150,941 State Aid)
BE IT RESOLVED, that a contract be awarded to Zenith Tech, Inc. for $1,150,941 to repair Bridge No. 27B23 on County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 101 (County Road 101) in the city of Minnetonka, county project (CP) 2201000; that the Chair of the Board be authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the county; and that the Controller be authorized to disburse funds as directed.
The county routinely inspects and evaluates county bridges and performs repairs needed to maximize the life of these assets. Bridge No. 27B23 on County Road 101 was constructed in 2006. Some of the bridge elements have reached the end of their service lives. The project, scheduled for construction this year, will replace the bridge expansion joints, remove and replace bridge surface wearing course, and apply weather-seal coatings to the bridge surfaces.
On April 2, 2024, two bids were received with the lowest responsive bid submitted by Zenith Tech, Inc. Project funding is available in CP 2201000 Safety and Asset Management 2024-2028, with expenses tracked in its associated subproject CP 2201003 Various Bridge Expansion Joint.
The project team is engaging with the public through a website to share project information and updates.
Current Request:
This request is to award a contract to Zenith Tech, Inc. for $1,150,941 to repair Bridge No. 27B23 on CSAH 101 in Minnetonka, CP 2201000.
This action supports the county’s Mobility 2040 and climate action goals by preserving and modernizing our transportation system.
Recommendation from County Administrator: Recommend Approval