Item Description:
Set Bassett Creek Watershed Mgmt Commission 2025 max levy at $2,303,500 for projects to improve water quality and reduce flooding
BE IT RESOLVED, that the 2025 maximum levy for the Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission be set at $2,303,500, and that the levy be certified to the county auditor and be placed on all taxable property under the jurisdiction of the commission.
The Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission (BCWMC) requests a levy of $2,303,500 to fund the commission's portion of the project costs to complete four water quality projects that are priorities in the Commission's Capital Improvement Plan. The projects will achieve the commission's goals to improve stream habitat and water quality. These projects will benefit the water quality of Bassett Creek, Plymouth Creek, Medicine Lake, Sweeney Lake, and downstream water resources like the Mississippi River.
Descriptions of the projects to be implemented, in part, by the levy funds are:
* Cost Share Purchase of a High-efficiency Street Sweeper (Golden Valley) - This project will be a cost share contribution toward the purchase of an enhanced regenerative sweeper in the city of Golden Valley to improve street sweeping effectiveness and reduce pollutant loading to streams and lakes. The sweeper will be used to capture and remove fine particles that cannot be captured by mechanical sweepers. Enhanced street sweeping will be used to help address impairments in Bassett Creek, Medicine, and Sweeney lakes. The total cost of the high-efficiency street sweeper is $356,000. The commission's contribution is $150,000 with $50,000 included in the 2025 levy request. The remaining amount was requested as part of last year's levy.
* Bassett Creek Main Stem Restoration Project - Regent Ave. to Golden Valley Road (Golden Valley) - This project will stabilize streambanks, reduce erosion, improve water quality, and improve stream habitat al...
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