Item Description:
Delegate authority to county administrator and County Highway Engineer to provide letters of support for grant applications submitted by partner agencies to certain state-funded transportation programs
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners delegate authority to the county administrator and County Highway Engineer to provide a letter of support in lieu of a Hennepin County Board Resolution for grant applications submitted by partner agencies for the following state-funded programs: Active Transportation, Local Road Improvement and Safe Routes to School; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a letter of support signed by the county administrator or County Highway Engineer does not imply a funding commitment by the county for grant projects led by partner agencies awarded through state-funded programs.
State grants are typically awarded through a competitive solicitation process. Partner agencies, such as cities and park agencies, may pursue state funding for projects that affect the county’s transportation system. Each solicitation includes specific and unique project eligibility requirements and evaluation criteria which may include a letter of support or a county board resolution.
Current Request:
This request seeks to delegate authority to the county administrator and County Highway Engineer to provide a letter of support in lieu of a board resolution for grant applications submitted by partner agencies for the following state-funded programs: Active Transportation, Local Road Improvement and Safe Routes to School.
State funding pursued by partner agencies often supports the county’s transportation goals, disparity reduction efforts and climate action through multimodal investments along and across the county’s transportation system.
Recommendation from County Administrator: Recommend Approval